爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Deir Kadige
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Deir El Adra 河流速写
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Deir Ekhmim
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Dehmyt, 7-30 am, 31 January 1867
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Dawn on the Nile尼罗河上的黎明
爱德华·李尔: Coolies on the Road near Kalicut, Malabar
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Boats 帆船水彩画
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Boats on the Nile (2421431) 尼罗河上的船只
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Boats on the Nile (2416503)
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Boat on the Nile 2
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列:Boat on the Nile 尼罗河上的船
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Between Ibreem and Wady Halfeh, 3.15 pm, 2 February 1867
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Between Ibreem and Wady Halfeh, 2-45 pm, 2 February 1867
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Between Derr and Ibreem
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Between Dendour and Kalabshe
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Between Bir El Abt
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Benisouef
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Benihassan
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Below Rabat, Malta
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列:Below Ekhmim
爱德华·李尔风景水彩速写系列: Belbeis
Edward Lear-Bab el Kalabshe
Edward Lear-A Weasel 鼬鼠水彩画